Monday, June 18, 2012

Yeti Kath

Yeti Kath now lives with us among all the Musettes. She fits right in. Another fuzzy faced Musette.

Yeti finding rest in the kitchen.
Awww, Yeti Kath
While renting we could not have pets (well, we could but it was an extra monthly charge and then we heard they kept lots of the deposit fee for clean-up) but we knew we would get a cat when we moved.

Jean began looking at rescue sites. One day she saw Yeti's face and knew she had to have her. The only glitch was we still had a month to go on our lease.

Jean and I picked her up at Social Tees Animal Rescue in the East Village. We were bringing her to my brother's house for safe keeping along with their three other cats. Since it is assumed that she is a Himalyan mix, I proposed to name her Yeti. Jean was unsure and she wasn't the only one who thought Yeti was too masculine a name. Other names were thrown out there but none stuck.
Yeti circling her food bowl like a shark

Yeti began to grow as a name to everyone who knew her. She looked like a Yeti, acted like a Yeti, hid like a Yeti, bit like a Yeti (personal experience), and overall was Yeti. Jean added her middle name Kath in honor of Kathmandu hoping that Yeti Kath sounded a bit softer than plain ole' Yeti. But Yeti is it.

Yeti has been a great addition to the house. She picks up our spirits and enlivens the day. She loves the Hamilton Park neighborhood in Jersey City and enjoys walks in the park whenever she can.
Meow, Meow

Yeti pondering the meaning of life during a stroll in Hamilton Park

Thanks, Yeti Kath.

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